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Ultrasonic Test

Using the MSP432P401R, we test distance and the Robot's decision-making. If the robot detects that it's around 4 cm close to the wall. The bot will back up and look both ways determining the best path. 

Coded in C

Rectangle Path

Using the MSP432P401R and the TI-RSLK MAX learning kit, we create a set rectangular path for the robot to follow. The robot will drive forward and turn for a certain amount of time.

Coded in C

Vending Machine

Using the DE0-CV Cyclone V 5CEBA4F23C7, we create a vending machine controller that dispenses Red Bull drinks for $0.75.

Coded in VHDL

Ice Cold Soda Here

C++ program that calculates a student’s final course average based on the grades for their homework assignments, laboratory assignments, term paper,
midterm exam, final exam, and class participation.

Coded in VHDL

Full Calculator

C++ program that calculates a student’s final course average based on the grades for their homework assignments, laboratory assignments, term paper,
midterm exam, final exam, and class participation.

Coded in VHDL

Phone Number Displayer

Using the DE0-CV Cyclone V 5CEBA4F23C7, we utilize the 7-Segment Display to display a Phone number with 1 Segment Display.

Coded in VHDL

DOB Display

Using the DE0-CV Cyclone V 5CEBA4F23C7, we utilize the 7-segment display to display the Date of Birth.


Logic Gates

Circuit schematics of Logic Gates.




Created in MultiSim

ADC Converter

Circuit schematics of ADC Converter.




Created in MultiSim

PCB Capacitor

My Intro to Printed Circuit Board Design. This Circuit Board Charges up a Capacitor.

Created in KiCAD
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